Spiderman of Green & Purple

I am in my room, trying to decide to eat lunch right at this moment or a little bit later. Brother did the cooking so I’m sure I will be having a happy tummy after the meal. The only reason why I couldn’t leave the room, well actually the computer screen, are our previous photos which made me see how Jeff and I grew up as individuals through this business. The timeline ran few years back and I can’t stop feeling grateful. As much as I want to avoid bias, there are those photos which truly captured my heart that I can’t help smiling every time I see them – most especially when the photos show your boyfriend is acting like the Amazing Spiderman!

This was during one of our earliest pre-nup shoots.



Good thing we had amazing clients who were very willing to lend a hand when Jeff needs extra hand for his camera. (Obviously, while he was busy climbing on trees I thought he did not think of climbing.) Below also happened during a pre-nup shoot. You can find it here.




Have a great day!.. Now, I can eat.

Wild Thought: World’s Best Floral Team

Take photos of the tables, the chairs, the utensils arrangement, the table napkin, the table name.. Jeff instructed fast with his left eye on the camera viewfinder and I was on his side asking where I will be heading next. Uhhhmmm.. What else? Let me think… He added. 

The cute flower centerpiece! I blurted out, enthusiastically, and hasten towards the reception hall.

Since the time we started shooting, Jeff and I discovered the wonders of cute little flowers arranged beautifully in lovely vases. or no, DIY bottles. We loved the huge impact of its simplicity, how it adds beauty to a plain table. Jeff usually examines the arrangement (since he dreams of learning this craft) and I mentally compute the cost as far as my accountancy nerves would take me. At the end of the day, as we discuss everything wonderful about the wedding, we also tackle how sure he is he can make a flower arrangement as lovely as the one we saw at the reception and how my cost computation came out.

Maybe we can add flower arrangement to our business model. Clearly, we discuss wild ideas and we laugh at ourselves when we realize how really really far our minds could transport us. But something magical happens every time this flower arrangement thing comes out of the table during our conversations: we end up buying fresh cute flowers the following day and we pretend we are one the world’s best floral teams.

and these are among our creations…

Have a wonderful day!

Sun Dancing and Sky Flirting

I swayed both my arms as gracefully as I could. To the left, to the right, one hand in front, the other one at the back. I repeated the gesture together with a graceful sway of hips and little hops. I did a 360-degree turn and I faced up the skies. I did the sun dance in the middle of the street. I flirted with the skies like a bee does to a sunflower. Please hold tightly the rainwater with you, I gracefully asked the favor.

Thankfully, it did not rain.. and the shoot that Jeff and I have been giddy gracefully happened.

Here are some photos from our most recent post-nup shoot..

Hope everything is going graceful on your end! If not, you still have the whole day to twist things and make them your way. Happy day!


Baby: Eli the Great

My clock alarmed. I checked out the window, the sky looked gloomy. I hope it’s not gonna rain today, I whispered as I reached out for my planner and turned to the date today. It’s already January 15, 2013. It’s true, time really flies so fast.

It feels like only a month ago when we shoot AJ & Lizette’s prenup and wedding. Here and here. and look what we have here.. an adorable baby boy, a future heartbreaker.

Have a fabulous day!

Bridal Shoes

If I were a shoe, I’d be a nude Tory Burch Chelsea Ballet Flats. Aside from I could wear without complaining an inch high-heeled shoe for only a couple of hours, here are a few of my reasons:

  1. Nude shoes are among the things I fell in love when I got a girl crush on Kate Middleton. Her girl-next-door fashion matched with nude shoes is lovely.
  2. A Tory Burch pair of flats is what our photographer idol Jasmine Star wears when shooting a wedding.
  3. This is what Jeff promised to buy me when we’ll get 20 wedding clients this year. Say what? Yes, 20 wedding clients for 2013. I will keep my fingers crossed, including my toes.

I am more comfortable with the non-heeled type of shoes. That is why every time I shoot a fabulous bridal shoe, I shoot as if I don’t have high-heeled shoes issues. I shoot as if I love every inch of it.

Here are among the bridal shoes of our beautiful brides…

and this is one of the most beautiful shoe creations I have ever seen.

Have a great day!


Scarfs + Memory Full

Where are you? I texted Jeff as soon as I stepped in the mall. My stomach roared like a lion and I wanted to eat an elephant. I hunger for dinner then. I called him but duh. No answer. I was impatient so I called him again and again and again. Still no answer. I headed to the bookstore until I heard my phone rang FINALLY. I left my fancy idea of getting myself another book and headed straight to where we agreed to meet. It was right there I discovered, he got busy looking for a scarf to wear on the Bohemian wedding we will be shooting the following day. I insisted we look for another way for him to look like a Boho but no way, he was getting that scarf he saw at the department store.

Yes, the main photographer does all these things for love. This is him trying to look cool despite the heavy sweat all over his face.

Friends. Jeans. Shirts. Shoes. Music. I think we always have that friend whom we have a lot of common with. Below is Stephen, Jeff’s bestfriend. I am almost on the edge of believing that Stephen and his wife Ash are actually mine and Jeff’s siblings from another parents.

and so when both your memory card’s full because you missed taking photos that much.. you sit in the corner of the hall, watch how every attendee is wishing happiness to the couple, guard your colleagues’ bags on the floor and say a little prayer.. Thank You God for making sweet things happen. 

Have a great day!




It was the first Sunday of the year, early afternoon to be specific. We were on our unwinding mood while happily chatting with Jeff’s mom about anything that came to mind. Our conversation seemed to take forever to end. Well, no, our laughters seemed to take forever to end. Don’t wonder, I was talking with the two of the jolliest people on earth.

On the side, I was copying photos from our Facebook page so I can compile them here. I told you, Jeff bribed me with a little cupcake and a book. book-1

It’s me, Purple.

Cupcake for you!

This cupcake is for the long period of discussion on whether or not to pursue with our blog page, which theme to use, which photos to post and what he will prize me for finally digging out this page from the grave.

For more words and talks, for more mistakes and debates, CHEERS!

Happy Sunday everyone!

